Review Process

  1. Submission and Initial Review

Authors submit their manuscripts through the OMP system. The editorial board reviews the manuscript to ensure it meets general requirements and aligns with the publication scope before accepting it.

  1. Reviewer Assignment

Experts relevant to the manuscript's subject area are selected as reviewers. The review process is conducted under a double-blind peer review system, meaning the author and the reviewer do not know each other's identities. Reviewers are notified to assess the manuscript within the specified timeframe.

  1. Reviewer’s Conclusion

Reviewers evaluate the manuscript from a scientific perspective and provide feedback on its significance, methodology, and accuracy. The following aspects of the manuscript are assessed: the importance and relevance of the scientific work; the reliability of the research methods and evidence; and the clarity and logical coherence of the text.
The reviewer provides recommendations on whether to accept, revise, or reject the manuscript.

  1. Editorial Board Decision
  • Based on the reviewers' comments, the editorial board makes a decision:
    1. Acceptance– If the manuscript meets all the requirements.
    2. Revisions Required– If certain deficiencies are identified.
    3. Rejection– If the manuscript does not meet the publication requirements.
  • The author is informed of the decision, and if necessary, recommendations for revisions are provided.
  1. Revisions and Approval
  • The author can revise the manuscript according to the reviewers' suggestions and resubmit it through the OMP system.
  • The editorial board conducts a final review and grants permission for publication.