Author Guidelines

  1. General Rules

When formatting the manuscript of an electronic monograph, scientific collection, or other book (hereinafter referred to as the scientific work), the following general requirements must be observed:

The text must be editorially fluent, error-free, and comply with the formatting requirements while maintaining logical coherence.

The structural components must be interrelated, interconnected, and presented in a comprehensible manner with logical consistency.

The conclusions presented in the manuscript of the scientific work must be based on reliable sources, expressed clearly and concisely, and substantiated by deep reflections and sufficient scientific evidence.

  1. Requirements for Formatting the Manuscript Text

The format of the article must be A4 book format, in Microsoft Word (*.doc or *.docx) format.

The margin sizes on the left, right, top, and bottom should be 2 cm.

The font - Times New Roman, size 12.

The line spacing for the article text -1.5.

The article text must be justified (aligned to width).

Pages are numbered in the bottom right corner.

Various graphics and tables must have a resolution of 300 dpi.

References to materials from the sources used in the scientific work must indicate the serial number of the source in the reference list and the page number of the cited material within parentheses in the text of the scientific work (for example: [1; 25–26 p.]).

The recommended length of the scientific work should not exceed 300 pages.

  1. Structure of the Manuscript

The manuscript must be structured in the following order:

  1. Title Page
  • The full title of the monograph (in uppercase letters, Times New Roman, size 16, bold)
  • The full name(s) of the author(s), academic degree, and position
  • Name of the organization
  • Name of the publisher and year of publication
  1. Abstract (in Uzbek, Russian, and English)
  • The abstract should be between 200-300 words.
  • Keywords (5-7 words)
  1. Table of Contents
  • All sections and chapters must be numbered, and page numbers must be indicated.
  1. Introduction
  • Relevance of the problem
  • Research objectives and tasks
  • Scientific novelty and practical significance of the research
  • Research methodology
  1. Main Part
  • Theoretical foundations and analysis
  • Research methods and results
  • Tables, diagrams, and graphs (all illustrations must be clearly described)
  • Each section must be numbered (e.g., 1.1, 1.2)
  1. Conclusion and Recommendations
  • Research results and their application
  • Scientific recommendations and future research directions
  1. References

The list of references should be provided in alphabetical order. The following format is recommended:

  1. APA (American Psychological Association) format:
    • For books:

Smith, J. (2020). Introduction to Research Methods. Cambridge University Press.

  • For journal articles:

Smith, J., & Brown, T. (2020). The effects of environmental changes on biodiversity. Journal of Ecology, 35(4), 123–145.

  • For online sources:

World Health Organization. (2023). Global health statistics 2023. Retrieved from

  1. Chicago Manual of Style
  1. Kitob uchun:

Smith, John. Economic Impacts of Climate Change. New York: Oxford University Press, 2020.

  1. Jurnal maqolasi uchun:

Brown, Alice. "Effects of Global Warming on Agriculture." Journal of Environmental Studies 45, no. 3 (2021): 112-130.

  1. Onlayn manba uchun:

World Health Organization. Global Health Report 2023. Accessed April 20, 2023.

  1. Appendices